AdaptiveCpp buffer-USM interoperability
AdaptiveCpp supports interoperability between buffer
objects and USM pointers. All buffer
memory allocations are USM pointers internally that can be extracted and be used with USM operations.
Similarly, buffer
objects can be constructed on top of existing USM pointers.
AdaptiveCpp follows its own specification for the AdaptiveCpp buffer-accessor model. Refer to this document to understand the memory management and allocation behavior of AdaptiveCpp buffer objects. Using buffer-USM interoperability without a solid understanding of AdaptiveCpp's buffer model is not recommended.
Buffer introspection
USM pointers that a buffer currently manages can be queried, and some aspects can be modified.
API reference
namespace sycl {
namespace buffer_allocation {
/// Describes a buffer memory allocation represented by a USM pointer
/// and additional meta-information.
template <class T> struct descriptor {
/// the USM pointer
T *ptr;
/// the device for which this allocation is used.
/// Note that the runtime may only maintain
/// a single allocation for all host devices.
device dev;
/// If true, the runtime will delete this allocation
/// at buffer destruction.
bool is_owned;
template <typename T, int dimensions,
typename AllocatorT>
class buffer {
/// Iterate over all allocations used by this buffer, and invoke
/// a handler object for each allocation.
/// \param h Handler that will be invoked for each allocation.
/// Signature of \c h: void(const buffer_allocation::descriptor<T>&)
template <class Handler>
void for_each_allocation(Handler &&h) const;
/// Get USM pointer for the buffer allocation of the specified device.
/// \return The USM pointer associated with the device, or nullptr if
/// the buffer does not contain an allocation for the device.
T *get_pointer(const device &dev) const;
/// \return Whether the buffer contains an allocation for the given device.
bool has_allocation(const device &dev) const;
/// \return the buffer allocation object associated with the provided
/// device. If the buffer does not contain an allocation for the specified
/// device, throws \c invalid_parameter_error.
buffer_allocation::descriptor<T> get_allocation(const device &dev) const;
/// \return the buffer allocation object associated with the provided pointer.
/// If the buffer does not contain an allocation described by ptr,
/// throws \c invalid_parameter_error.
buffer_allocation::descriptor<T> get_allocation(const T *ptr) const;
/// Instruct buffer to free the allocation on the specified device at buffer
/// destruction.
/// Throws \c invalid_parameter_error if no allocation for specified device
/// exists.
void own_allocation(const device &dev);
/// Instruct buffer to free the allocation at buffer destruction.
/// \c ptr must be an existing allocation managed by the buffer.
/// If \c ptr cannot be found among the managed memory allocations,
/// \c invalid_parameter_error is thrown.
void own_allocation(const T *ptr);
/// Instruct buffer to not free the allocation on the specified device
/// at buffer destruction.
/// Throws \c invalid_parameter_error if no allocation for specified device
/// exists.
void disown_allocation(const device &dev);
/// Instruct buffer to not free the allocation associated with the provided
/// pointer.
/// Throws \c invalid_parameter_error if no allocation managed by the buffer
/// is described by \c ptr.
void disown_allocation(const T *ptr);
}; // class buffer
} // namespace sycl
Constructing buffer objects on top of USM pointers
AdaptiveCpp can also construct buffers on top of existing USM pointers.
API reference
namespace sycl {
namespace buffer_allocation {
/// A type based on buffer_allocation::descriptor<T> that stores additionally
/// information about the data state (outdated/current) of the data referenced
/// by the descriptor
template<class T>
using tracked_descriptor = __unspecified__;
enum class management_mode {
static constexpr bool take_ownership = management_mode::owning;
static constexpr bool no_ownership = management_mode::non_owning;
/// Construct descriptor for a data region with initially outdated content.
/// When first accessed, the runtime will emit data transfers to update
/// date content.
tracked_descriptor<T> empty_view(T *ptr, device dev,
management_mode m = no_ownership);
/// Construct descriptor for a data region with initially recent content.
/// When first accessed, the runtime will not emit data transfers to
/// update data content. Instead, the allocation may be used as a
/// potential data source to update other outdated allocations from.
tracked_descriptor<T> view(T *ptr, device dev, management_mode m = no_ownership);
template <typename T, int dimensions,
typename AllocatorT>
class buffer {
/// Construct buffer on top of existing USM pointers with given range.
/// Will not write back at destruction unless set_final_data() is used.
/// Modifying the USM pointers externally during the duration of the buffer lifetime
/// should be avoided unless the user has expert knowledge of AdaptiveCpp's data
/// state tracking mechanisms.
const std::vector<buffer_allocation::tracked_descriptor<T>>& input_allocations,
const range<dimensions>& r,
const property_list& prop_list = {});
const std::vector<buffer_allocation::tracked_descriptor<T>>& input_allocations,
const range<dimensions>& r,
AllocatorT allocator,
const property_list& prop_list = {});
Example code
sycl::queue q;
sycl::range size{1024};
int* alloc1 = sycl::malloc_shared<int>(size.size(), q);
int* alloc2 = sycl::malloc_shared<int>(size.size(), q);
// Construct buffer on top of alloc1. Use empty_view() because alloc1
// does not old live data.
// Note: To give ownership over the pointer to the pointer, pass
// the optional argument take_ownership to empty_view()
sycl::buffer<int> b1{
{sycl::buffer_allocation::empty_view(alloc1, q.get_device())}, size};
// The buffer now uses the given allocation for all operations on
// q.get_device()
assert(b1.get_pointer(q.get_device()) == alloc1);
// Iterate over all allocations of the buffer. We did not grant
// ownership of the pointer to the buffer. This is checked here.
b1.for_each_allocation([&](const auto& alloc){
if(alloc.ptr == alloc1){
// We can use the buffer just as usual
q.submit([&](sycl::handler& cgh){
sycl::accessor<int> acc{b1, cgh};
cgh.parallel_for(size, [=](sycl::id<1> idx){
acc[idx] = idx.get(0);
// Construct another buffer - this time we use view instead of empty_view
// because the pointer now holds up-to-date data
sycl::buffer<int> b2{
{sycl::buffer_allocation::view(alloc1, q.get_device())}, size};
// Can again use the buffer just as usual
q.submit([&](sycl::handler& cgh){
sycl::accessor<int> acc{b2, cgh};
cgh.parallel_for(size, [=](sycl::id<1> idx){
alloc2[idx.get(0)] = acc[idx];
sycl::host_accessor<int> hacc{b2};
for(int i = 0; i < size.get(0); ++i){
assert(hacc[i] == i);
sycl::free(alloc1, q);
sycl::free(alloc2, q);